Carlin Williams, Reporter

All high school students have experienced a class where no matter how hard they study; they just can’t grasp the material. But by following these few steps, a C- will go to an A+ in no time.

Step One – Motivation is at an all-time high

Find a quiet place. Take out what you need to study. Spend 20 minutes organizing it.

Proceed to take a pretty picture of the set up, and Finsta it (make sure to use a caption that makes you seem academically inclined ex. “This AP Lit test is really going to boost my GPA – if that’s even possible!”).

Step Two – This is happening, lol just kidding

Start to read over the material. Hype yourself up with positive phrases like “you got this” and “Oh, I am killing the studying game today.” Think about how long you have been studying and how much knowledge must be engraved in your brain.

Look up at the clock and realize you have been studying for 15 minutes not 3 hours.

Step Three – All hope is lost, motivation is dwindling

Gather any remaining motivation and continue to look at all the material you need to learn (by first block tomorrow). Start sweating profusely.

Slowly come to the realization that there is no way you have enough willpower to sit down for 2 hours and actually read it over, then, proceed give up.

Step Four – Motivation is no longer a word in the dictionary

Put all your study material away in despair as tears roll down your face. Curl up in a fuzzy blanket, scream, and then binge watch Gossip Girl.

Step Five – I do got this… wait, no.

It is now test/quiz day, and your hours of studying are about to pay off. But then reality starts to creep its way in. You remember that the hours spent studying were actually spent watching Blair and Chuck’s blooming relationship.

The test is handed out; beads of sweat begin to run down your crinkled forehead. All hopes for passing are gone. You finish the test/quiz and hand it in. Then, swear to yourself that next time you need to study, you’ll actually study.

Step Six – What?

“I have a test 2nd block too?”

Step Seven – Nurse
