December 1, 2017
The bus driver. Cool, calm, collected, ready to take on another chaotic day as the buses warm. These combatants of mass transportation often go unrecognized and unappreciated by students.
To and from school safe and sound
The most important responsibility of being bus driver is making sure that every single kiddo arrives safely to and from school. Bus drivers have endured and conquered the most irritating situations: screaming kids, pesky deer in the road, and dangerous winter storms that resulted in early dismissal. Even through all of this mayhem, bus drivers across America continue to fulfill the duty of transporting students every day.
The light in our darkness
As we wake up earlier and the sun rises later, getting on the bus in the morning can be challenging. There is the girl with her trombone sitting in the middle of the aisle, the boy launching himself back and forth from seat to seat, and everyone’s long legs stretched out across the aisle. These obstacles can be nearly impossible to navigate in the dark, but as the bus driver presses their magical button and says “let there be light,” the next rider walking down the aisle is thankful that they can now avoid all legs, instruments, and flailing bodies easily.
Warm and cozy in the winter
Standing at the bus stop in 20 below weather and sitting next to a cold metal wall of the bus is not the desired way to start the day. Thankfully, bundled up bus drivers have the heat blasting at levels just under the peak of human tolerance. As the heat flows out of the air vents, students feel a wave of relief and gratefulness. The entire bus is soon engulfed with the soothing feeling of warmth. Thankfully, no one will be seeing the nurse about frostbite.
Debe Moran • Dec 2, 2017 at 9:54 am
I am Blessed to have been your bus driver Megan. I truly enjoyed watching you all grow in to amazing young adults. We had tears, laughter, and occasionally a battle or two but we at the end of the day were a family.
Wonderful article. Love you Debe