Autumn Bird, Reporter

The outgoing and always responsible Emily Gordon will take her determined attitude with her to King’s College as she strives for a bright future. There, Gordon will study to become a physician’s assistant.

Who will you remember most in Bangor and why?

I feel like most people say they will remember their friends or teachers and I’m going to say the same thing. I’m going to remember my teachers the most, probably Mr. Madden to be specific. I spent a lot of time in his room from freshmen year until senior year.

What is your best high school memory and why?

My best memory was probably accepting the Freddy Award for costumes my senior year because I had spent many hours perfecting those costumes. All of the time I had spent for 4 years had finally paid off and I was happy to show my crew that it’s not an easy part of stage crew but it definitely is a big part. (I’m also happy that I never have to do a quick change again).

What is your worst high school memory and why? 

My worst high school memory was probably falling down the steps which happened not once, but twice. The first time was my freshmen year and I just tripped and fell on them but my senior year, I wiped out. I completely missed a step and fell going up the stairs so I ended up sliding down them and dropping my books. It was pretty embarrassing both times.

Which band could play the soundtrack to your high school career and why?

I don’t have a full band in mind but I would choose Taylor Swift because her music got me through a lot of rough patches in high school and she’s my go-to when it comes to music. I call myself a Tay-Tay Swifty fan.

If there were a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why? 

If my high school days were a movie, I would want to be played by Amy Schumer because she is my favorite actress and my high school years were definitely just a big joke. I would want her to play me because she would make others laugh about it and that’s pretty much what I did too throughout my years.

When you arrive at school in the morning, where’s the first place you want to go and why?

The first place I “want” to go is definitely home. I never really loved high school and the fact that we had to get up so early!

Who influenced you most during high school and why?

Each teacher influenced me in different ways and every single one of them made an impact. Some of my favorite ones were Mr. Madden, Mr. Hachtman, and Mr. Hobbs. Mr. Madden was always there to guide me and push me to do better, Mr. Hachtman was always expecting my best and challenged me to give it, and Mr. Hobbs showed me how excited I want to be about the career I am pursuing. Each one of these teachers loves there jobs and they have definitely helped me to decide what I want to do with the rest of mine.

Where do you predict you’ll end up ten years from now and why?

I think about this ALL the time. I wonder where I will be in 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, and so on. I hope that in 10 years when I’m 28, I will have a job in the medical field living away from the town of Bangor but not too far away because I need to visit my family. I even hope to be starting my own family by then.

Which event, events will you miss the most and why?

I will miss the the clubs that I was involved in the most because they were a big part of my high school career. I will miss the people that I met during them and the experiences that I had, I loved yearbook, costume crew, class cabinet, SADD club, and the NHS organization.

What is your favorite quote to live by and why?

“Life goes on.” It’s my favorite quote that I strive to live by. I can’t waste my time focusing on all of the little things that don’t go my way but rather focus on the big picture and set goals for myself. Bad things happen but life keeps moving so I should too.

What school will you be attending after high school?

I will be attending King’s College for the 5-year Physicians Assistant Program.

Pick 3 words to describe yourself. Why?

I would pick outgoing, responsible, and dependable. I’m involved in many clubs and organizations, I have a job, I keep my grades up, and I try to have a decent social life. Having each of these aspects in my life has made me outgoing and I think that the people that I have encountered would think I am responsible and dependable because I always get the job done and I am a person that they can count on for anything.

How does senior year compare to the rest of your high school career?

I’ll tell you one thing. Senioritis is real. It’s hard not to let it affect you. I was always so dedicated to school and motivated to get through each semester but my last semester was definitely my hardest. I took a full schedule as a senior and slowly lost my motivation to get things done. (I still got everything done but it was a struggle).

What advice would your senior self give your freshman self?

I would just keep telling myself that I shouldn’t stress about the little things but just make the best of it. Not everybody loves high school, college will be better. As a freshmen, I used to worry about every little thing but as I got through high school, I focused more on what my future will be like when I graduate.

What advice would you give an upcoming senior?

Don’t stress too much, enjoy your last year (but also don’t let your grades fall). Make new friends in the senior class because soon you won’t be with those people anymore. Just make the most of it because your real future starts right after senior year is over.

What will you wear as a physician?

I am not quite sure wether I will be a physician or physicians assistant but either way I will be wearing a white lab coat with either my regular clothes or scrubs.

What got you interested in the medical field?

As a kid I spent a lot of my time in and out of doctors offices for various different things. Seeing how the doctors’ offices and hospitals worked as a kid sparked my interest and I know that I’ve always loved helping people so I figured the medical field was an appropriate choice.

What is your favorite part about helping people?

As I’ve grown up, I’ve always seen how giving and helpful my mother is to other people and I love seeing how much she can touch other people’s lives. I want to have an affect on others and be that designated person that they go to for help, I want to provide them with what they need. I’ve also always loved making connections with people and I want to be able to do that everyday in the future.

If you could be any famous families physician, who would you choose and why?

I would want to be the the physician for the family from “The Little Couple,” because I absolutely love that show and the family is so adorable. Maybe I could even be on TV??