Michenna Mulvaney, Editor

After maintaining over a 4.0 gpa average at Bangor Area High School, field hockey player and musical participant Angela Bonopane will begin furthering her education at the Penn State Lehigh Valley campus. She plans to transfer to the Penn State main campus where she is hoping to earn a degree in Forensic pathology.

What three adjectives would your friends use to describe you?

Honest, Caring, and reliable.

What sports, clubs, organizations, jobs do you have and what are your positions in each of these activities?

I’m a 5-year field hockey player and I played defense. I have participated in the ensemble of musicals during my middle school career and costume crew for all 4 years of high school. This year, I have participated in the St. Luke’s program as a Career Linking Academy student. Over the summer I worked serving ice cream on an ice cream truck.

What’s next for you?

I will be furthering my education at Penn State Lehigh Valley campus for the first two years. After, I will continue my education at the Penn State main campus.

What are you studying?

I will be studying forensic science to eventually become a forensic pathologist.

Which friend or friends will you miss most from Bangor and why?

Michenna Mulvaney because she has been my best friend since fifth grade, and I will miss seeing her every day.

Which teacher influenced you most or who will you remember most from Bangor and why?

Mr. Hachtman has influenced me most because he pushed me to reach my full academic potential. He’s been extremely personable and clearly loves what he does, and it has inspired me to take on something I will love doing.

What is your best high school memory and why? 

My first homecoming because it showed me how fun and different high school would be.

What is your worst high school memory and why?

Looking back, I’m sure there were rough moments, however I cannot remember any specific bad memories.

Which band could play the soundtrack to your high school career and why?

I would probably have to say One Direction because it had been my favorite band when I was younger and listening to it now is nostalgic and brings me good energy.

If there were a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why?

Jennifer Aniston because she portrays every emotion that I have felt throughout my high school career.

When you arrive at school in the morning, where is the first place you want to go and why?

Other than home, probably the choir room because it feels the closest to home. I would be surrounded by the most comforting and supportive people.

Where do you predict you’ll end up ten years from now and why?

Hopefully I will be successful in my career with my own place. I will be stable in life and enjoy time with family and friends.

Which event, events will you miss the most and why?

Any events that really brought my friends and I together like the bonfires, pep rallies, football games, and the musical.

What is your favorite quote to live by and why?

If you aren’t making mistakes, then you aren’t doing anything. Mistakes have made me into the person that I am today. I have lived and learned a lot and mistakes allow me to progress.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?

I would go to the Bahamas and swim with the dolphins. This has been a dream of mine since watching Dolphin Tale as a child.

If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing that you buy?

I would buy a gigantic ball pit.

If you were given a time machine, would you visit the past or the future and why?

I would visit the future because I have already experienced the past and would not change it.

If you could change anything about your high school career, what would It be and why?

I wish I was slightly more self-reliant and didn’t count on people so much. I’ve learned the importance of independence and self-confidence.