Brooke Reister, Reporter

The optimistic and passionate Heather Heath partakes in art club, the musical, Women’s Chorale, Chamber Choir, track & field (jumping), literary magazine, and ventures. She plans to take a gap year to be sure she is positive about what college she’d like to attend and what major she’d like to pursue. She’d like to still incorporate music and art in her future, with an interest in animal sciences.

Which friend or friends will you miss most from Bangor and why?

I will really miss my squad of close friends, Aubrey Tarr, Katelynn Roscioli, Brooklyn Werkheiser, and Cayla Stiles. They have been there for me, listening to all of my crazy ideas and struggles. I know we will always stay in contact with each other. I will never forget my choir family though. I love you guys.

Which teacher influenced you most or who will you remember most from Bangor and why?

I will always remember Mr. Di Minico. I don’t think he knows how much he helped me develop as a person. I’ve always loved singing, but I winced at the sound of my own voice and struggled to stay calm in front of an audience. I feel like I have a lot more self confidence now. I will not give up on singing, and whatever the future holds, music will always be a part of it. Thank you Mr. D.

What is your best high school memory and why?

Last year during region choir. Everything we sang for that concert was emotional and powerful. What made it even better were my roommates Hannah Bledsoe, Amie Bealer, and Deja Breitfeller. It was a perfect combination of personalities and we had some beautiful heart to heart conversations. I will really miss them.

What is your worst high school memory and why?

I can’t say I have any very bad memories from school other than the moments I embarrassed myself, but at least they give me something to laugh at.

Which band could play the soundtrack to your high school career and why?

I would have to go with Shinedown for this one. Most of the music I listen to is a little dark or angry, but Shinedown has a perfect balance that could go with pretty much anything I felt through high school.

If there were a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why?

Lauren Ambrose I guess. She played Claire, an artsy, quiet teenager in “Six Feet Under.” I found it easy to connect with her throughout the show.

When you arrive at school in the morning, where is the first place you want to go and why?

I always wanted to go to the lobby or stairwell and sing my heart out, but a few times I did that and people came out of nowhere and startled me. It was funny when people came to know me by my voice alone and not by what I looked like.

Where do you predict you’ll end up ten years from now and why?

This is a tough question. I’d like to be selling artwork and writing poems. As for a lifelong career, I’ll go where my heart takes me.

Which event, events will you miss the most and why?

I will miss all of the PMEA choirs I was a part of and every choir concert. Singing on stage with so many other voices in harmony is something magical that I will never forget. Disney night was plenty of fun too. It’s always fun to pretend to be someone you’re not.

What is your favorite quote to live by and why?

“Don’t sell yourself short, you might be bulletproof,” lyrics by Brent Smith. I’m always doubting and second guessing myself and I’d like to become something else. I want to be a more free spirited, daring person

What was your favorite choir piece to sing and why?

This is so difficult for me because I love them for different reasons. I think I have to go with two. Last year we sang “Music Of Stillness” by Elaine Hagenburg for our region choir festival. It’s a lot like “There Will Be Rest,” but a different arrangement. This piece broke me inside and my heart raced a little. I couldn’t honestly tell you if I was sad or happy while singing this because it felt like my emotions were fighting to come to the surface. I have to include “Unclouded Day” too, simply for how happy it made me feel. I could sing it once and the rest of my day would be brighter. No pun intended.

Who is your favorite music artist and why?

Evanescence. Amy Lee is a rock goddess and no one can argue with me. I am an outwardly optimistic person, but there are times I feel hopeless and depressed just like anyone else and her music really speaks to me. I love music with emotion and power behind it. It can be a bit dramatic, but it’s easy to connect to.

What is your favorite animal and why?

Everyone knows my answer to this question. Birds are a symbol of power, freedom, and grace. Just imagine flying over everything and having the power to be anywhere and everywhere at once, singing joyfully as loudly as you’d like without a fear of disapproval.