Maddie Minner, Reporter

Outgoing and determined Senior Class Cabinet Member and softball outfielder Megan Bichler will be attending Northampton Area Community College in the fall. She hopes to transfer to a different university after her studies at NCC.

What are some adjectives your friends would use to describe you?

Creative, outgoing, relaxed, determined, and unexpected.

What sports, clubs, activities, or organizations are you a part of at BHS? What are your positions in these activities?

Softball: outfield, SADD member, and Senior Class Cabinet member

What are you studying?

I think I would actually like to go into something with photography

Which friend or friends will you miss the most from high school?

Maddie Minner because we have known each other since kindergarten. We played basketball and hung out so much. She had always been by my side and I could always count on her and her family.

Which teacher from Bangor will you remember the most and why?

Mr. Thomas because not did he only help me with school related things, I could rely on him if I needed personal help and I could go to him for anything. He really helped me bring out the best in myself whether I knew it or not. I could just go into his room and I felt safe and it was very relieving to know I always had him there for me.

What is your favorite high school memory and why?

My favorite high school memory would be bringing my boyfriend to Sadies. It was a date to remember.

What is your worst high school memory and why?

My worst high school memory would have been losing the 100th Bangor vs Pen Argyl game. I really wanted to be able to run out onto that field and celebrate the victory.

Which events will you miss the most, and least and why?

I will miss seeing my favorite teachers and staff the most because we never got a chance to say a proper goodbye. I will not miss getting up early because I am not a morning person at all.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself finished with college and have a home. I hope that I had found my interest and now am pursuing it after college.

What quote do you strive to live by?

I live by my senior quote that states “We’re almost there and nowhere near it. All that matters is that we’re going” by Lorelai Gilmore. It just reminds me to keep going and you’re gonna get where you’re going and keep going.

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport would be softball. I will be sad when I can’t play it anymore and will miss and remember all the girls that are now my family.

What sports do you play and how long have you played?

I play softball and have played for over half my life, about twelve years.

If you could play for any sports team, which one and why?

I would play for the Washington Huskies softball team. They are an amazing team and seem like they get along very well.

If there was one thing you could change about your favorite sport, what would it be?

I would make it so that I could play all year and not at any indoor facilities. Also that players could keep playing and not age out of the games.