Cecilia O'Brien, Editor in Chief

After an impressive high school career, star quarterback Eric Striba will attend Bloomsburg University to study business and finance. His helpful and charismatic personality has allowed him to leave an impactful footprint under the stadium lights and in the classroom.

What are your favorite classes?

Astronomy and Gym class were my favorite classes; what thrilled me about them is that they were just fun and fascinating.

What is your dream career?

My dream career is to be a sports manager for a professional team. I love this career because I love being around sports.

Describe your ideal life 10 years from now.

I hope to have a beautiful family, comfortable with money, exploring new places, and have a lot of pets—mostly cats.

What is your best high school memory?

My best memory is beating Northwestern my senior year in football because everyone was so excited when we won.

What song best defines your high school career?

“Started From the Bottom,” by Drake because I came into high school being afraid and insecure, but now, I feel brave and happy to see my friends everyday.

If there were a movie made about your high school days, what would be the title and which actor would play your part?

The name would be “High School Flies By,” and I would play the role of a high school jock who is friends with everyone.

Which events will you miss the most?

Football and basketball games just because they’re so fun to watch and play. I felt excited to be a part of those games.

Who is your biggest mentor?

Mr. Reduzzi is my biggest mentor as he cares about everyone around him and fights for them. He’s also a realist and will tell you when you’re not giving your best; he gave me the most opportunities to prove myself.

What is your favorite quote to live by?

“It’s not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me” by Batman (Christian Bale). This quote is saying it doesn’t matter where I, or anyone else, came from or what your background is, you can still make a difference in this world, and you can show people how you want to be seen.

Who will you remember most in Bangor?

Well, I hope to keep remembering her…but Camryn Smith, as she cares deeply about me and is my bestest friend.

What activities have you been involved in while at Bangor?

I’ve played football all four years, basketball and track my freshman year, and I was the Social Event Coordinator for GSA this year. Football and GSA were my favorite. Football made me feel happy and tough, and GSA helped me understand other people’s situations. These two activities matter to me because they put me around people who made me better as a person. I was nominated for top 50 players in Pennsylvania for football, academics, and community service. I was also Morning Call’s player of the game twice. Finally, I was the All-Colonial League 3rd team athlete two years in a row.