Zach Pennell: Most likely to own a farm

Amelia O'Brien


Few Bangor students are as recognizable as Zach Pennell in his iconic work boots and flannel shirt. With his signature look, he has big plans to attend Universal Technical Institute in Exton, PA to become a Diesel Technician.

What is your best high school memory and why?

Prom was definitely one of my favorite memories because everyone gets dressed up and has a good time together.

Worst memory?

The first day of freshman year was by far the worst. I was way smaller than everyone else and I had no idea where I was going; it was horrible.

Who influenced you the most during your high school career and why?

Honestly all my friends have influenced me so much because I am with them more than anyone else.

What is your favorite quote to live by and why?

“Just because it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean it won’t be a good time,” by Earl Dibbles Jr. I like this quote because I always have the most fun when I am doing dumb stuff (like breaking both ankles snowmobiling.)

If there were a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why?

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio because they are both good actors and could be anyone they set their minds to (even me).

What is your favorite farm animal?

I love cows because they are just big grass dogs.

If you were a farm animal what would you be? Why?

I would be a pig because they just lay around and roll around in the mud all the time.

If you owned your own farm what would you call it? Why?

If I owned a farm I would name it Mr. P’s because it reminds me of Mr. Z’s and everyone in Bangor still calls Weis that and I work there.

If you could have any type of farm what would you have?

I would own an Amish farm because it requires hard work and they work hard.