Gross things that are not actually a big deal
Published: Issue 2, Volume 53
August 31, 2017
As I walk through the main doors into the school, I see a student in the office two knuckles deep to clear all of the boogers out of his nasal passages. I proceed into the main hallway, where I see another student working hard to build up his loogy, just waiting for no one to notice as he spits it into the garbage can. In the history wing, I see a fellow peer chugging a half gallon of Coca Cola. I know what is coming, and just as I walk by, he belches a clap of thunder right into my ear. Disgusted, I continue downstairs towards the gym, when all of a sudden a student half-heartedly attempts to sprint upstairs. He is profusely sweating and proudly sporting his new layer of BO. Finally, I make it to the gym for first block, but I see a student digging into his ear, and I know that a ball of goopy ear wax will be on the tip of his finger when he is finished.
Many of these normal bodily functions are seen as gross in today’s society. What most people do not know is the beneficial science behind each of these.
Rhinotillexomania (compulsive nose picking)
Boogers (the crusty ones) provide a layer of tough protection from diseases that can enter through the nose by inhaling. Everyone produces boogers and eventually will have to get them out of their nasal passages. Keeping the nose clean is very important. With the finger, places can be reached that were not accessible with just a tissue, keeping the nose far cleaner. Therefore proving that compulsive nose picking is actually very beneficial for the human body, and nobody should be ashamed of publicly showing it.
Eructation (burping)
Burping is the release of gas from the digestive tract (mainly the esophagus and stomach) through the mouth. This sensation is often quite satisfying for humans, but in society, burping is frowned upon. The buildup of gas in the stomach is unavoidable and should be released so there are not further medical problems. Society should rethink the negative stereotype of burping; as it is something every normal human does. If burping does not occur due to fear of embarrassment, it can lead to gastrointestinal distress.
Perspiration (sweating)
Sweating is the basic performance of moisture exuding through the pores of the skin, typically in profuse quantities as a reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever, or fear. As all of us exercise, get sick, are exposed to heat, and get nervous, we should all understand the basic functions of sweating. It is beneficial due to the harmful toxins that are being released through the body and also cooling the body down. Without perspiring, the body can overheat, lead to heat exhaustion and eventually death. Although, the stereotype of sweating makes people feel embarrassed for their faucet pits. Humans should realize that pit stains and profuse sweating should be accepted in today’s world, since it is impossible to avoid.
Cerumen (ear wax)
Ear wax is a normal, but irritating, function of the human body. It occurs naturally and is the yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. Ear wax protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides some protection from bacteria, fungi, insects, and water. Having ear wax is obviously a beneficial function of the human body and occurs for a purpose. Therefore, having goop in your ear is nothing to be ashamed of.