October 12, 2017
Outgoing and determined senior Lauren Haffling is a dedicated Slater that plays her heart out on the field hockey field, molds intricate pottery for National Art Honor Society, and is working on her future by attending tech school to study athletic training.
Super Slater Haffling has spent most of her time playing center-back in the one sport she loves: field hockey. Inspired by her older sister Stephanie, Haffling has loved the sport ever since the first time she picked up a stick in 7th grade.
“I love being able to be with my close friends, having the ability to let all of my anger and frustration out, and just overall be a part of a great team,” Haffling said.
As a senior, reflecting on her high school career makes Haffling feel nostalgic.
“My favorite memory was when the whole team went to this outdoor ropes course for team bonding. Although this was great, it’s not over yet and us Bangor Slaters have a lot in store for us this season,” Haffling said.
These experiences and bonds with teammates have taught Haffling important life skills.
“Field hockey has really prepared me for my future because it has taught me to be a team player, to trust people, and to respect one another,” Haffling said.
Haffling isn’t always aggressively tearing up the field hockey field, sometimes she is finding Zen crafting pottery pieces and painting her own intricate work.
“I really love art and ceramics, especially because it allows me to express myself. I especially enjoy painting the pots that I make,” Haffling said.
Outside of Bangor High, Haffling spends her time at Bethlehem Vo-tech studying to become a physical therapist or athletic trainer.
“Deciding to go to tech school was the best decision I ever made. I love how hands-on the learning is, and how all of the teachers genuinely enjoy their jobs,” Haffling said.
After graduating, Haffling plans to attend Moravian College for four years starting fall of 2018.
“Moravian has a field hockey team that I am able to play on. They have the perfect program for what I want to major in, and their campus is beautiful and makes me feel at home,” Haffling said. “I really want to become a physical therapist or an athletic trainer because I saw my grandfather suffer through a stroke, and ever since I have wanted to help people.”
Haffling’s biggest supporters are her parents, that have been there for her every step of her high school journey.
“They are always there to push me to do my hardest and are always there when I need love,” Haffling said.
Haffling looks forward to her future, but will miss playing field hockey with her friends she has grown up with.