Sunshyne Furlow, Reporter

Bangor Area High school kicks off the Literary Magazine with new advisor Mrs. Rabbat, who wants students to form a sense of self-expression through any type of writing.

In the past, Literary Magazine has mostly shown emotions through poems, but now students are encouraged to turn in short stories.

Ultimately, the magazine hopes to feature as many students as possible.

“This magazine is a vehicle for all students to share their creativity and ‘voice’. Athletes, band students, artsy students, CIT students…open to all,” Mrs. Rabbat said.

Mrs. Rabbat knows it can be a challenge to get people to submit, but feels it’s worth the risk.

Currently, there are 8 members of Literary Magazine led by Madison Messenger, Emily Cuff, and Ariella Menecola.

As the editor and chief of the magazine, Madison Messenger fixes the simple grammar and spelling mistakes that people make each submission.

The co-editor of the magazine, Ariella Menecola wants to make sure that everything that is added to the magazine is perfect and ready.

As the art editor, Emily Cuff makes sure that the art that is created compares to the story that it is made for.

The club meets up every second and fourth Monday of each month to discuss what submissions will be going into the magazine along with the art for it. Delicious food and drinks are served, if students are interested in joining.

Students who wants submit work, but don’t want to join in the club, can turn it into Mrs. Rabbat, or any of the current members.