Tatum Strohe, Reporter


Bangor Park held their annual Oktoberfest Oct. 21 and 22. Families and friends of all ages enjoyed Halloween themed games, food, and festivities.

This event was run by Little Corner Café owner Sherry Haycock, and Joanne Karasek, members of the Bangor Borough.

“We’re really working on bringing the community together with a great fall festival that the whole family can enjoy,” Haycock said.

Some activities included build-your-own scarecrow, painting/carving a pumpkin, riding the train around the park, face paintings, enjoying delicious food, and much more.

The borough held jack-o-lantern display contests and a costume contest for the kids who attended. The jack-o-lantern display that won was “Forest Friends” by the festive Fuch family and the costume category that won was the “Wizard of Oz” done by the creative Conrad family.

Many vendors set up tents to sell products such as handmade knit scarves and hats, homemade baked goods, jewelry, and other knick-knacks including ceramic items and scented candles.

Dinky’s ice cream also brought their truck for a tasty treat to eat, something that everyone loved at Oktoberfest.

This was a great opportunity to get into the fall mood and share some memories with family and friends.