Tatum Strohe, Reporter

With a reputation for a talent in academics, the formerly svelt John Gembarsk, now a senior, has transformed himself into a young adult as well as a respected athlete and weight lifter to change his life.

Gembarski was first inspired after seeing the Pumping Iron documentary as Arnold Schwarzenegger prepares for two major bodybuilding competitions.

“Seeing the intensity and dedication that Arnold Schwarzenegger had really inspired me,” Gembarski said.

In January 2017, Gembarski decided that he would improve himself and focus on consistent dieting and lifting.

“Diet is essential and can be the toughest part of the lifestyle,” Gembarski said. “I try and get in a small breakfast and about five meals usually consisting of about 120 grams of chicken breast and about 100 grams of brown rice, along with some variety so they do not become so bland.”

Before this full commitment, Gembarski had already gotten a taste of the fitness lifestyle when he would visit the weight room and occasionally lift.

The dedicated lifter quickly learned that if he wanted to see results revolving around his physique and strength, goals were essential.

Gembarski is currently testing a push/pull/legs routine which is a five day workout cycle training all major muscle groups. It is easily manageable to fit different goals and schedules, while also allowing some recovery time.

This workout plan is perfect for Gembarski as he participates in his first year of wrestling. Everyday after school he has wrestling practice and after, he tries to get a lift in.

“I decided to join the wrestling team because it is a very fun sport,” Gembarski said. “I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn a new skill and broaden my horizons.”

Gembarski’s goals include becoming more conditioned and improving his overall endurance, while of course, beating his opponents.

“So far I have started to get a hang of some techniques and have improved greatly from where I was in the beginning. I even learned how to do a cartwheel!” Gembarski said.

On top of that, Gembarski plans on participating in his second year of shotput and discus on the track and field team.

“What initially drew me to shot put and discus was that I did not like to run,” Gembarski said. “Throwing provided me with another sense of improvement as I fixed my technique and eventually threw further.”

While being occupied with wrestling and lifting, Gembarski always puts schoolwork first, especially when it comes to his math classes.

“I have taken most of the math classes offered at Bangor, including both AP Calculus AB and BC, so this year I took Multivariable Calculus fall semester, and spring semester I am taking Linear Algebra with Applications, both at Lafayette College,” Gembarski said.

Although Gembarski is not participating in sports in the future, he yearns to continue his studies and lifting journey throughout college where he will study Applied Mathematics.

“Lifting has made me a lot more active, and it also helped me manage my time better.” Gembarski said. “To anyone looking to make this change I would say diet is key, and to be ready to eat more protein than they ever thought they would.”

Gembarski’s strong sense of dedication in both athletics and academics will be very useful when it comes to his future.