Montana Cassaro, Reporter

The Lady Slaters basketball team, led by coach Bill Bisci, wrapped up another impressive season at 11-6 in the league and 16-9 overall. 

Over the course of the season, forward/guard Brieann Ohland (152 points) forward/guard Emily LaBar (156 points) and guard Meghan Barone (145 points) were a huge contributors to the Slaters’ success. 

These standout players were the three top scorers of this season and together they nearly accumulated 500 points. 

“It felt good to be a top scorer on the team especially because it was my last season,” Ohland said “I was able to get there by working hard and listening to everything the coaching staff had to tell me, which really ended up helping me succeed”. 

Shooting 94 three pointers throughout her high school career, Barone wouldn’t be the shooter she is today without her teammates. 

“I got to this point in my career by always working hard, constantly working with my shot, and my teammates. My teammates are the most important part because of the confidence that they provide me to keep shooting,” Barone said.  

These impressive performances resulted in The Lady Slaters district game against Pottsville at Pleasant Valley High School on February 24. 

Although it resulted in a 44-32 loss, it was still a very well fought contest.  

Though their season came to a bittersweet end, the Lady Slaters are proud of their efforts. 

“It goes by fast. This was my best season, so I figured since it was my last I’d go out and give it my all,” forward, Jackie Hess said. 

Between practicing six days a week, and being with each other from the end of the previous season to the start of this season, the team built a strong bond. 

“Through all of the tough games and tough practices, we always pulled together as a team,”senior Amber Fernandez-Tierney said. 

With five captains – Ohland, Hess, Barone, Fernandez-Tierney, and Verenice Mendez the Lady Slaters had a tremendous amount of guidance and leadership. 

“The five captains impacted the team greatly by what coach wanted and always making sure we knew that too,” sophomore Morgan Karasek said. “They showed great leadership on and off the court by not only being key elements to the team for four years, but also learning and becoming a better person throughout”. 

The Lady Slaters put forth their best effort during games and are ready to make improvements in the offseason.