Tori Tarallo, Reporter

Articulate and hardworking senior Jolene Miller has made many memories these past four years at BHS, from field trips to interesting talks in Mr. Moran’s room, she is going to take many lessons with her next fall to DeSales University.  

Who will you remember most in Bangor and why? 

I will remember Mr. Hachtman and Mr. Moran the most. I met Hachtman my freshman year and he has always been there with advice about everything ever since, he’s helped guide me into what will be the best choice for my future plans. I met Moran last year but he has had an everlasting impact on my life. He took me under his wing and showed me that I was even more capable of things that I even thought possible of myself. He’s pushed me to do my best and go beyond my limits and it has made me a better person.  

What is your best high school memory and why? 

My best high school memory is going on the Washington D.C. trip last year. I had already gone my sophomore year and Mrs. Harris was looking for some more people to fill seats so I decided to go again with a couple of my friends and it was such a good day. Despite the rain, it was nice to be there again and to be with some of my closest friends and be able to take in details of the city that I hadn’t noticed the last time I was there.  

What is your worst high school memory and why? 

I would say that my worst high school memory is the day this year that we all came into school while it was snowing only to get sent home. I just remember feeling like it was such a waste of getting up early and driving home took so long I just couldn’t wait to get home and take a nap.  

Which band could play the soundtrack to your high school career and why? 

All Time Low could play the soundtrack to my high school career. Most of their music doesn’t really relate to anything that happened in high school, but many of their songs could get all of my friends singing with me and that could make any day better.  

If there was a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why? 

If there were a movie about my high school days, Lily Collins would play my part because her role in The Blind Side shows that she is capable of playing an average caring high school girl.  

When you arrive in at school in the morning, where is the first place you go and why? 

When I arrive at school in the morning, the first place I usually want to go is either Moran’s room, especially if there is something that is stressing me out, or my homeroom so I can talk to some of my friends.  

Who influenced you most in your high school days and why? 

I think Mr. Hachtman influenced me the most throughout high school. Whenever I had a question, especially science related, he always had an answer. Additionally, he helped guide me through my multiple switches between wanting to go to PA school, med school, and wanting to just go into research sciences.  

Where do you predict you’ll end up ten years from now and why? 

Ten years from now, I hope to be settled into a job as a physicians assistant in an oncology unit at a hospital as well as possibly settled into my own house. I am excited to get through college and finally be doing something that I want and I am also anticipating having a family (even if it’s just dogs) and a home at that point in my life.  

Which event, events will you miss the most and why? 

I think I will miss the pep rallies and the school dances the most. I see both of them as great ways to get the whole school together in good spirits. The pep rallies are a positive way to help cheer on our classmates in whatever they may be facing whether it be sports, arts, or academics and I think they are important part of everyone’s high school career. I feel that the dances are a nice way to see everyone dressed up and happy and coming together. I always enjoyed getting ready for homecoming or Sadies and having a good time with my friends.  

What is your favorite quote to live by and why? 

My favorite quote is “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again” by Frederick Marryat. I feel that it is a very influential quote and has helped me to keep trying to do better my best and to never give up when I fail to do something as I hoped to.  

What was your dream as a little kid? 

My dream job as a little kid was to be a vet. I have not changed that much other than deciding that I wanted to work in the field of human medicine instead of animal medicine.  

What does being a Slater mean to you? 

Being a Slater means community, pride, and tradition to me. I think our school takes great pride in who we are and what we do and I think that brings the community together as a whole. I also feel that it is important to keep all of our traditions alive because it gives us something to reminisce about with our parents and others in the community.  

Would you say that you keep close attention to details, yes or no and why? 

I would say that I pay extremely close attention to details. Throughout the years, I have sometimes frustrated myself with trying to make too many things “perfect.” To me, it is important to keep everything in order and to make sure that I completely understand what is going on. All of the little details add up to a bigger picture.  

How would you describe the color yellow to someone that was blind? 

If I were to describe the color yellow to someone who is blind, I would describe happiness and warmth. I feel that yellow is a bright, happy color that symbolizes warm happy feelings.  

Out of these two animals, sheep and wolf, which would you describe yourself as and why? 

As much as I would like to describe myself as a sheep, I think I am more like a wolf. I tend to be more protective of what is important to me and will likely not let anything get in my way of completing a task I am determined to do. I feel that I am more on edge and ready for whatever life throws at me, much like a wolf has to be in order to survive.  

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? 

A lot of funny things have happened to me over the years, but one of the funniest things to me is probably when the boys cross country team were all gathered around a snake and Coach V was curious to see what they were looking at and unknowingly approached them and they held the snake up to Coach V who is scared of snakes. The absolute joy in their faces and the fear in his was hilarious to me.