Devin Dancho, Reporter

Senior Peyton Strauss is known by his peers for being in sync with technology and utilizes the benefits of social media.  

What college will you be attending? 

I’ll be attending Northampton Community College and then hopefully transferring to a 4 year university. 

What will you be studying? 

I’m not sure what I want to do yet, so my major is currently general studies.  

What are three words that describe yourself? 

I’d describe myself as reliable, caring, and funny. 

 What are your hobbies?  

My hobbies include photography, long boarding, and hanging out with my friends. 

  Are you involved in any clubs? If so, which ones? Do you have any leadership roles in them? 

I’m treasurer for the Leo Club and I am also in Senior Class Cabinet. 

Who will you remember most in Bangor and why? 

I’ll remember Mrs. Brown the most because I’ve had multiple classes with her and we always had fun joking around. 

What is your best high school memory and why? 

My best high school memory is being a senior and getting ready to graduate. 

What is your worst high school memory and why? 

My worst high school memory was freshman year gym class when I was put in advanced gym with all the competitive upperclassmen. 

Which band could play the soundtrack to your high school career and why? 

The band I’d play as the soundtrack to my high school career would be Panic! at the Disco because he’s upbeat and reminds me of the fun I’ve had with my friends. 

If there were a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why? 

I’d have Johnny Depp play the role of me in a movie because I think he’s cool and I like his style.  

When you arrive at school in the morning, where is the first place you want to go and why? 

When I arrive at school the first place I want to go is in my car and drive home because I always need more sleep. 

Who influenced you the most during high school and why? 

My grandpa influenced me the most during high school because he always motivated me to try harder in my classes and achieve the goals I had set for myself. 

Where do you predict you’ll end up ten years from now and why? 

In 10 years I predict that I’ll be living far away from PA, probably in California, and I’ll hopefully have a cool apartment with St. Bernards.

Which event/events will you miss the most and why? 

I’ll miss homecoming the most because I always had fun at that dance, especially senior year homecoming.  

What is your favorite quote to live by and why?  

My favorite quote is “the sun will rise and we will try again” because it always reminds me that no matter what happens, tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. 

What is your favorite form of social media? 

My favorite form of social media is either Instagram or Twitter 

On average, how many hours a day do you spend on social media? 

I probably spend a good 4 hours on average on social media a day, I am always on my phone looking at different apps. 

What would your ideal Instagram theme look like? 

My ideal Instagram theme would be well-taken pictures that go together with cooler and darker toned colors. 

Do you have a Tumblr? If so, when did you start it? 

I do have a Tumblr. I made it freshman year and used it a lot then but now I don’t use it that often. 

How has social media impacted your life? 

Social media has impacted my life greatly, especially through high school. It gave me a way to check out for a bit and look at pictures of places that I want to go and adventures I want to go on. It motivates me to keep pushing through obstacles and work towards the goals that I want to achieve in life.