Dani Hess, Reporter

Esteemed Channel 21 weatherman Doug Toth finished his academic career at Bangor Area High School with a 96 GPA, and will attend Penn State University where he will study meteorology in hopes of becoming a meteorologist. 

What do you hope people will remember about you after high school is over? 

I hope people will remember my weather forecasts. 

Who will you remember most in Bangor and why? 

The people that I played sports with because they were my closest friends. 

What is your best high school memory and why? 

Beating Pen Argyl in football my junior and senior year and winning the Eastern Conference Championship my junior year. 

What is your worst high school memory and why? 

Losing Clash of the Classes because the seniors always win. 

If there were a movie made about your high school days, which actor would play your part and why? 

Tom Cruise because he’s in a lot of action movies and I feel that relates to my high school days. 

When you arrived at school in the morning, where is the first place you want to go and why? 

The TV studio to do my Wednesday Weather Forecasts. 

Who influenced you most during high school? Why and how? Give them a shoutout! 

My dad because was my football coach and I feel that he was the person that influenced and impacted me the most. 

Where do you hope to end up 10 years from now and why? 

 I hope to be a weatherman for a major news network or working for the National Weather Service or NOAA. 

Which event, events will you miss the most and why? 

The pep rallies and Clash of the Classes events. 

What is your favorite quote to live by and why is it important to you? 

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.This a quote by Ben Franklin and it’s true because if you don’t prepare for something you will fail. 

What or who influenced your decision to become a meteorologist? 

My interest in the weather influenced my decision to become a meteorologist. I have always been fascinated with the weather and want to make a career out of it. 

How long have you known you wanted to be a meteorologist? 

I have known since my freshman year. 

Who’s your favorite meteorologist? 

Jim Cantore 

What is your favorite type of weather? 


If you could have a weather-themed superpower, what would it be? 

I would have the power to shoot lightning out of my hands.