Sarah Long, Reporter

As the semester comes to an end, students and teachers are becoming more familiarized with the transition from the classic pen and paper to iPads. The use of iPads has greatly improved both the learning and teaching experience at Bangor Area High School.

The switch to iPads has made managing a copious amount of work much less stressful for students, making it easier to work at home or school without needing multiple computers. iPads also provide different study tools and ways to take notes for studying on the go.

“I definitely find work easier with them compared to without them because all the technological resources I would normally use are compacted into one device. I prefer having them because they facilitate work and cut down on the use of multiple computers and the need to share files between them so that you can work on an assignment both at school and at home,” senior Martina Sell said.

The iPads provide everything students need in one device, including top notch organization.

“I believe the iPads have brought great organization and efficiency to the classroom. It has made getting work done so much easier to me,” junior Akash Sareen said. “I think learning, compared to the past, is not all that different, but I believe it is more diverse, interesting, efficient, and organized. I prefer the expansion in technology we are undergoing.”

iPads have specifically made the jump from middle school into high school much less stressful for the new freshmen, as well. They have eliminated the need to go through thesauruses and dictionaries with the internet accessible at students’ finger tips, which makes it easier to complete tasks quicker.

“I believe the iPads have made the transition a lot easier. I’m able to check on my grades whenever I need to. I also type a lot faster than I write, so I am able to finish papers a lot quicker than I would without the iPad. It’s so much easier to edit a paper on the iPad than erasing and trying to squeeze in more words,” freshman Madeline Haller said

In addition to improving students’ learning experience, the teaching experience has also enhanced.

“The iPads have given me more tools and techniques to enhance my teaching and improve student engagement. I now have more ways to vary my teaching style to keep students interested. I also have more ways to differentiate my instruction so students can learn in ways that are best for them,” Mrs. Harris said.

After one semester of use, the iPads have made a positive impact on both the students and the teachers.