5 People you’re bound to run into during college


Zach Specht

*Written By Zach Specht

When going off to college, you’ll meet a ton of new friends and make lifelong connections. And, you’ll definitely meet these few people that roam around every college campus…

The previously home-schooled

While still a bit naive, the home schooled kid will be a boatload of fun. They may still think babies come from storks, and they’ve rarely been away from home, so it’s up to you to introduce them to real life. You may even take them under your wing and teach them how to talk to girls or boys, and later, when they blossom into a fully-grown awesome life-crushing machine, you’ll swell with pride.

The Jock

The jock will be a total gym rat, a huge bulking guy who crushes your hand with the opening handshake. This person is constantly asking to bench-press people and already has biceps the size of your torso even though they are like 18 years old. But befriending them turns out to be a great decision if you’re ever in need of some quick body guard like protection.

The oddball

Everyone knows an oddball, someone who will do anything, at any time, and just thinks a little differently than the average human. You’re bound to run into someone like this on campus’, he’s in touch with his Chakra, whatever that is. He always smells faintly of incense and seems to have parted ways with showers at an early age, and he’s overly into talking smack on his parents. He’ll be a bit of a wild card, but he’ll end up as your spirit guide. The kid you know

Worst case scenario, you’re just about to make a horrible decision, you look to your left, and there they are, the kid you already know. Their parents are friends with yours, and the last thing you want is to end up on them Snapchat story, so you spend your nights out trying to avoid them. There’s

nothing worse than hearing mom’s voicemail that starts out with “I spoke to (so and so) and I heard about what’s going on up there”.

The elder

You’re not sure if they’re a professor, or just a horrible student, but either way this person is between you and your parents in age, but still acts like a raging college kid. They’ll be there if you ever need to rent a car or get a quick hotel room, so befriending them is your best option. They’ll be a tremendous asset but you might have to sit through the occasional “I remember when we didn’t even have iPhones yet” narrative.